Wednesday, April 16, 2014


CLL7 – The child will demonstrate increasing knowledge of the alphabet.
CLL7.4a With prompting and support, recognizes and names some upper/lowercase letters of the alphabet. 
WSO: Begins to develop knowledge of letters.

Activities: I Am.. Who Has?  This game has cards with "I Am __" and "Who Has __?" written on them.  On the blanks, write a letter.  Students will have to find who has the letter listed next.  

Spin-A-Top.  Print the alphabet in blocks on a sheet of paper.  Place paper inside a cookie sheet.  Students take turn spinning a top and announcing what letter the top lands on.

Parking Lot.  Place letter tiles in each chair.  Tell the students that they are cars looking for their right place.  Give them each a letter to go park at.  

Books: Chicka-chicka Boom Boom by: Bill Martin Jr.
Alphabet City by: Stephen Johnson
Farm Alphabet Book by: Jane Miller


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