Monday, July 29, 2013

Diaper Cake

I love making a good diaper cake.  I thought with this upcoming baby shower that I might try a diaper caterpillar or train but after being asked by the expecting daddy if I would make a diaper cake.. Well, it's like getting expecting parents something not on their registry.  They asked for diaper cake and I'm more than happy to deliver that to them.
My bestest friend went in on helping to supply things to the diaper cake so that it could be really nice but didn't break the bank for either of us.  
First, the prize center.  I love this part the most.  It's like opening a present because there's always something neat inside.  This base item gives you something to build around so that you aren't trying to hold up a million diapers to each other for the base.  My last diaper cake had the lavender bedtime bath set of lotion, shampoo, and powder.  SPOILERS: this one has three hooded towels inside.

Then you roll and roll and roll diapers then band them all together.  And you keep going!

And you cover it in layers of diaperness.  I found a super cute "diamond" teether ring/rattle that I had to have to top this bad boy off.

Oh no!  The expecting momma is worried about not having enough diapers?  Throw some diaper towers up and decorate this pile of awesome!



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