Wednesday, May 21, 2014


CD-CR4 – The child will use dramatic play to express creativity.
CD-CR4.4c Represents a character by using voice inflections and facial expressions.
WSO: Participates in creative movement, dance, and drama.

Activities: Boom Chicka Boom.  Boom Chicka Boom and various other echo chants can be repeated in various vocal inflections with students.  Have students offer suggestions of types of voices to try together.

Punchinello.  Punchinello is a "do as I do" song where you do something silly and have students mirror it back.  You can switch off turns of who is Punchinello.

Books: Bye Bye Big Bad Bully Bug by: Ed Emberly (give different inflections for itty bugs and big bugs)
Kiss Me, I'm Perfect! by: Robert Munsch


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