Wednesday, May 21, 2014


CLL8 – The child will demonstrate awareness of print concepts.
CLL8.4e Identifies the front, back, top and bottom of a book. Points to the title of familiar books or stories and where to begin reading a story. 
WSO: Shows appreciation and understanding of books and reading.

Activities: Story Chart.  On chart paper write three columns: title, author, illustrator.  Students pick books from around the room to place in the chart.

Author/Illustrator.  This is a multi-day activity. This first day, you work with your group of authors.  Depending on their ability, some students might be able to copy word cards on pages of a blank book while some might recquire to dictate their story to you.  Day two, students go through the stories of their peers with your assistance and illustrate these stories.

Books: Any book can have this as long as you take time to identify the parts of the book as you prepare to read.


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