Ep7 - Derella
Sent by - Jadeite
Defeated by - Moon Tiara Action
Disguised as a pop idol, she hosts a talent show. Stamping the hands of everyone to represent them moving to the next round, she siphons energy from her victims using this stamp. This is also the first time we see a Youma with the ability to take the form of someone already in existence. A glass spray that captures her enemies, killed trying to chase after Tuxedo Kamen.

Ep8 - Garoben
Sent by - Jadeite
Defeated by - Moon Tiara Action
Disguised as a cram school teacher, she siphons energy using a floppy disk as students do their work. When Sailor Moon appears she slams Ami'a head to a computer in attempt to siphon energy, revealing the symbol of Mercury. She also can throw test papers as an attack.
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