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We opened up our journal page on Surprise and all of the underlying feelings within it by writing "surprise" however we wanted.
My daughter wanted a heart exclamation point. I went large, all caps, across most of the top of the page.
We then put four sticky notes on our paper and wrote out the underlying emotions on each of them: Startled, Confused, Amazed, and Excited. You can use color pencils, markers, or crayons to connect each of these emotions to a color of our choosing. Beneath the sticky-notes, we wrote the two connecting emotions to each of those.
We finished by making faces for each emotion on the top-side of the sticky note.
The children struggled to think of how to draw some of the faces so I prompted them to make the face that they would when they would feel that way. It helped them a lot to then realize what they could do to draw the face.
Feel free to link up in the comments. What faces will you make?
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