Our favorite old lady! Now we can add some predictions in as well. We've seen the old lady and the books make a book bag, the old lady and the fly died, what will happen to this old lady?
Again, make your props from whatever works for you.
Writing Up a Thanksgiving Feast
This is one of my FAVORITE class lists and each year I always forget to take a picture of it.
On chart paper, I make a giant plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife, and napkin. All of these objects are labeled. Then, the students suggest what they would like to eat (or drink) for Thanksgiving. I try to match the color of the food to the words they offer and organize them on the plate and in the glass where they fit. Rolls are brown, salad is green, tomatoes and cucumbers and other salad fixing get written on top of the salad in their color. Mashed potatoes are gray, gravy is brown and written on top of the mashed potatoes word. The students have fun filling up the plate and cup with words and colors.
Students draw or write on a leaf what they are thankful for and we post them to a tree cutout placed outside of our classroom.
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