Thursday, August 1, 2013

First Day Hurray!

My loving husband took the day from work to take our daughter to and pick her up from school.  All I asked was that she was dressed so that I could do her hair for the first day.

Put me leaving the house 5 minutes later than I had wanted but worth it.  Pictures together and then it was up to daddy to get her there and take the rest of the pictures for me.
Then it was off to my school to meet all of my new babies!  We have such a sweet group of students matched with equally awesome parents!  I wish I could be able to see and speak to every parent this afternoon and tell them how wonderful their children are.  They are so bright, eager, loving, and lively.  This is going to be an incredible year.  If I don't get the chance to speak directly with each of you due to the hustle and bustle of first week excitement, just know this:
You are all now my mommas and daddies just as your students are my children.  Let's work together to help them learn, both in and out of school.

And email me if you ever need :)

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