Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

What can I say about Father's Day that hasn't been said before?  I know so many examples of wonderful fathers in my life.  Fathers that protect, love, live, and laugh with their children.  Fathers that support, provide, and encourage their children.  Fathers that are part of the positives in their children's life instead of being a negative thought or impression.
My daughter is extraordinarily lucky to have such a father in her life.  Not just in her daddy, who wishes to protect from everything and give her the world all in one.  Not just in her grandpa, who loved her before he even met her.  Not just in her papa, who loves her more than she'll ever know.  But also in the male friends in our life.  The men that she can be around that love, support, and protect her as fathers do.  Being a fatherly influence by being positive male role models in my daughter's life.  Being an example of gentlemen and leading the example of how men should behave around my little princess.  
Maybe you don't have a child yourself and might not hear it from anyone else today, but to my daughter's extra daddies: Happy Father's Day to you!
 Thank you for being the kind of guys that children can admire and look up to.
(My thanks is not limited to only the men in this picture, but they are pretty awesome)

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