Ep23 - Yasha
Sent by - Zoicite
Defeated by - Moon Tiara Action
Sent to steal the Silver Crystal from Nephrite should he find it. Attacked Naru and got her butt beat by Nephrite before Sailor Moon finished things.
Ep24 - The Plant Sisters
Sent by - Zoicite
Defeated by - Moon Tiara Action and Fire Soul
They kidnapped Naru to hold her random for the Dark Crystal. Nephrite whooped their butts receiving only a scratch. They returned to finish what they had started, mortally wounding Nephrite and making everyone cry.

Ep25 - Gesen
Ep26 - Boxy
Sent by - Zoicite
Defeated by - Moon Healing Escalation
After the rainbow crystal inside a priest is removed, Boxy appears.